Wednesday, 17 September 2014

ILM in 12c - Flashback Data Archive (importing history)

Importing flashback history from user-maintained history table
If the evolution of the data in a table is being tracked in user-defined tables by means of a user-defined mechanism – such as triggers, then its possible in 12c to import that history into a Oracle-provided flashback archive.

Using a flashback archive enabled table called emp, the following example shows how the history information may be imported from user-defined source.

  1. Starting off with a table called EMPLOYEES having employee number and salary.

SQL> select * from fdb_user.emp;

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
         1       1000
         2       2000
         3       3000

  1. Assign a flashback archive for the the table.

SQL> alter table fdb_user.emp flashback archive fdba1;

Table altered.

  1. Create the temp history table using dbms_flashback_archive.create_temp_history_table.

SQL> begin
    owner_name1 => 'FDB_USER',
     table_name1 => 'EMP');
  2    3    4    5    6  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Populate the history table with a few trial records, specifying the scn, and dml operation.

Using INSERT statements, we create 2 update records for empno=1 in the temporary table.

insert into fdb_user.temp_history
(rid, startscn, endscn, xid, operation, empno, sal)
'17-09-2014 14:30:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')),
'17-09-2014 14:30:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')),

insert into fdb_user.temp_history
(rid, startscn, endscn, xid, operation, empno, sal
'17-09-2014 14:40:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')),
'17-09-2014 14:50:40','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')),

Querying the data we created.

SQL> select * from fdb_user.temp_history;

RID   STARTSCN     ENDSCN XID              O      EMPNO        SAL
--- ---------- ---------- ---------------- - ---------- ----------
        560873     560873                  U          1        800
        561396     562013                  U          1        900

  1. Import the history using dbms_flashback_archive.import_history.

This procedure call accepts 3 arguments
1.      Schema name of the table being tracked
2.      Name of the table being tracked.
3.      Name of the history table which contains the modification history.

  1 begin
  2   dbms_flashback_archive.import_history (
  3   owner_name1 => 'FDB_USER',
  4   table_name1 => 'EMP',
  5   temp_history_name => 'TEMP_HISTORY'
  6   );
  7* end;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Query the table with the flashback versions query. Below, the first 2 records are being reported from the imported history. The current value of SAL is 1000 for EMPNO=1.

SQL> SELECT  versions_endscn, versions_operation,  emp.*
FROM FDB_USER.EMP versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
where empno =1 order by versions_endscn  nulls last
  2    3    4  /

--------------- - ---------- ----------
         560873 U          1        800
         562013 U          1        900
                           1       1000

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