Sunday, 27 April 2014

Partial indexes in Oracle Database 12c.

In Oracle Database 12c, there is a potentially useful feature called partial index. This feature helps to save disk space by avoiding having indexes for specific partitions. The partial index can be useful, for example, during data load operations, to avoid index maintenance overhead during the load for the partitions which are being loaded.

In 12c, the partial indexing is exposed through new syntax for the CREATE TABLE DDL, which now supports an INDEXING attribute for each partition, which can be ON (the default) or OFF. Likewise, the CREATE INDEX statement supports syntax for creation of partial indexes.

When CREATE INDEX statement executes with the INDEXING PARTIAL syntax, the partitions which have INDEXING=OFF are not indexed. To explore the partial index feature we use a test container database named CDB1.

Container db: CDB1
Pluggable db: SALESPDB
Owner/table: SALES.sales

1. Creating a partitioned table with selective indexing.

In this table the indexing is turned off for partition p1 and its enabled for others.

create table sales ( time_id date, quantity number(5))
partition by range (time_id)
 partition p1 values less than (to_date('01012014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing off,
 partition p2 values less than (to_date('01062014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing on,
 partition p3 values less than (to_date('31122014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing on,
 partition p4 values less than (maxvalue)

2. Create a locally partitioned index on the time_id column (note the indexing partial syntax)

SQL> create index test_idx on sales(time_id) indexing partial local;
Index created.

3. Populate the table with data

insert into sales select to_date('01012010','ddmmyyyy')+ rownum, 100 from dual connect by level <=5000
SQL> /

5000 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

4. Examine the dba_ind_partitions view to see which index partitions have a segment.

SQL> select partition_name,segment_created, status from user_ind_partitions
  2  where index_name='TEST_IDX';

-------------------- --- --------
P1                   NO  UNUSABLE
P2                   YES USABLE
P3                   YES USABLE
P4                   YES USABLE

It is seen that segments do not exist for partition p1 because indexing was turned off for that partition. Further there index partition corresponding to the partition with indexing off is set as unusable.

Partial indexing and global indexes

Looking up the Oracle Database Concepts documentation, Chapter # 4, Partitions, Views, and Other Schema Objects, in the section titled Partial Indexes for Partitioned Tables, it is mentioned that partial global indexes are not affected or invalidated by partition maintenance operations on partitions having indexing=OFF.

From the documentation:
Before Oracle Database 12c, an exchange partition operation required a physical update of an associated global index to retain it as usable. Starting with Oracle Database 12c, if the partitions involved in a partition maintenance operation are not part of a partial global index, then the index remains usable without requiring any global index maintenance.

I tried to check this out but found otherwise. Below are the steps executed.

Step #1.

First, I created a table called sales range-partitioned on the time_id column with indexing turned off for all but one partition.

1  create table sales ( time_id date, region_id number(3), amt number(5))
  2  partition by range ( time_id )
  3  (
  4   partition p0 values less than (to_date('01012010','ddmmyyyy'))indexing on ,
  5   partition p1 values less than (to_date('01012014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing off,
  6   partition p2 values less than (to_date('01042014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing off,
  7   partition p3 values less than (to_date('01072014','ddmmyyyy')) indexing off,
  8   partition p4 values less than (to_date('01012015','ddmmyyyy')) indexing off,
  9   partition p5 values less than (maxvalue) indexing off;

Step #2.
I created a global partitioned index on the region_id column, having 4 partitions, and enabled the partial indexing option.

SQL> create index test_idx on sales(region_id)
  2   global     
  3   partition by range(region_id)
  4   (partition p1 values less than(2),
  5    partition p2 values less than(3),
  6    partition p3 values less than(4),
  7    partition p4 values less than(maxvalue)
  8  ) indexing partial;

Index created.

Step #3.
I checked the status of the table and index partitions that now existed. There are 4 index partitions corresponding to the 4 defined in the DDL. As for the table, there is NO data in the in any partition so far; and there are a total of 6 partitions. Only partition P0 has indexing enabled.

SQL> select partition_name,indexing from user_tab_partitions           
  2  where table_name='SALES';

-------------------- ----
P0                   ON
P1                   OFF
P2                   OFF
P3                   OFF
P4                   OFF
P5                   OFF

6 rows selected.

SQL> select partition_name,segment_created,status from user_ind_partitions
  2  where index_name='TEST_IDX';

-------------------- --- --------
P4                   YES USABLE
P3                   YES USABLE
P2                   YES USABLE
P1                   YES USABLE

Step #4.
I prepare a temporary heap organized table to stage the partition exchange load. I will soon load the data from this staging table to the sales table. The staging date dates are all > 01 Jan 2010, therefore when loaded into the sales table, it will be loaded into the table partition p1, which has indexing turned OFF.

SQL> insert into t_sales
  2   select to_date('01012010','ddmmyyyy') + rownum, 3, 100 from dual
  3   connect by level <=10;

10 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.
SQL> select * from t_sales;

--------- ---------- ----------
02-JAN-10          3        100
03-JAN-10          3        100
04-JAN-10          3        100
05-JAN-10          3        100
06-JAN-10          3        100
07-JAN-10          3        100
08-JAN-10          3        100
09-JAN-10          3        100
10-JAN-10          3        100
11-JAN-10          3        100

10 rows selected.
Step #5.
In this step, I perform the partition exchange load operation. I do not specify a update global indexes clause because I want to see the effect of just doing a partition exchange on the global index.

SQL> alter table sales exchange partition p1 with table t_sales;

Table altered.

Examining the table data for the target partition

SQL> select * from sales partition(p1);

--------- ---------- ----------
02-JAN-10          3        100
03-JAN-10          3        100
04-JAN-10          3        100
05-JAN-10          3        100
06-JAN-10          3        100
07-JAN-10          3        100
08-JAN-10          3        100
09-JAN-10          3        100
10-JAN-10          3        100
11-JAN-10          3        100

10 rows selected.

Step #6.
Examine the status of the partitions of the global index, they are ALL unusable now.

SQL> select partition_name,segment_created,status from user_ind_partitions
  2  where index_name='TEST_IDX';

-------------------- --- --------
P4                   YES UNUSABLE
P3                   YES UNUSABLE
P2                   YES UNUSABLE
P1                   YES UNUSABLE

I have done a partition exchange on a partition with indexing=off (partition p1).
As per Oracle doc, it should not have invalidated any of the global index partitions which was created partial. Perhaps, I missed some detail - not sure. I would be thankful if someone can share any insights/experiences on that topic.

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